Jos heeft als Managing Consultant meer dan 30 jaar ervaring waarbij hij tientallen bedrijven geholpen heeft om hun IT en Business processen beter op de rails te krijgen.
Hier kun je mijn CV/LinkedIn als infographic vinden, voor een overzicht van mijn werkende leven. Meer weten? Vragen? Neem contact met me op. |
Ervaring met o.a.Consultancy / Advisering
Programma Management International Project Management IT Strategie IT Management IT Financieel Management Pharmaceuticals Wholesale Operations Cloud Computing |
BranchekennisHypotheken / Bankwezen
Telecommunicatie IT in de Zorg Business Continuity Farmaceutische Industrie Ketenlogistiek Groothandel |
Jos worked for me in 1982-1999. He was always an excellent consultant, combining solid technical know-how with great sensitivity towards people. He managed clients, from Director level to ICT staff, acquired business and successfully developed his own group of consultants, specialising in Phamaceuticals and Logistics. He is an accomplished lecturer in various subjects and a pleasure to work with. Jos was hired to lead several projects to improve process in a complex logistic environment. This was done very succesfully and professional. Jos has a great insight in Logistic processes and IT systems. He learns to work with WHM systems very quickly and in detail. He gets things done, very proffessional and with very good results. Jos is a sharp-witted and friendly manager, who gives his subordinates ample room to maneuver, but always keeps a keen eye on what has to be done. He has a great -sometimes hilarious- sense of humour, which helps the team to get through when times are tough. I have worked together with Jos for almost two years in a tough project for a German client, and I have a lot of great memories to remember. I knew Jos when he was a key player in the group leading the way for Phoenix today's international team. I remember his management and relationship attitude with pleasure. |
Tijdens zijn projectleiderschap van de implementatie van SAP bij UMC St Radboud heb ik Jos leren kennen als een zeer ervaren senior manager-adviseur-coach Jos weet mensen te inspireren om naast standaard oplossingen ook onconventionele, pragmatische en creatieve methoden te gebruiken om veranderingen te realiseren en te borgen. |